

I am big on salmon caesars right now. One of the taphouses we frequest has an amazing salmon caesar. I have been craving this salad so much so that I decided to start making it at home. I added a few additional ingredients. It's all about the salmon and the caesar dressing, anything else is just an added bonus. Next time I will try a different caesar dressing. The Kraft left something to be desired. I have recently started cooking with coconut oil in place of butter and traditional cooking oils. Coconut oil is very different from most other cooking oils. It contains a unique composition of fatty acids. The fatty acids are about 90% saturated. This makes coconut oil highly resistant to oxidation at high heats. For this reason, it is the perfect oil for high-heat cooking methods like frying. The main fatty acid in coconut is an efficient killer of pathogens. The fatty acids can also increase energy expenditure, improve satiety and help you lose weight.

Salmon Filet
Caesar Dressing
Romain Lettuce
Purple Onion
Coconut Oil (used to sear the salmon)
Salt and Pepper (used to season the salmon)

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