

This past weekend was spent with amazing friends on a hilltop in Eastern Washington. My good friend Chelsea has a family cabin that sits on 40 acres of pure bliss. Katie and her husband James accompanied us as well as our friend Spencer whose better half was missing due to work. We packed in a ton of activities as well as food. We bowled down the hillside, golfed into the tall grass, swam, hiked, watched movies, played games and laughed the whole time. We didn't have a ton of video, but I managed to pull together a short film. I tried to limit the number of photos in this post, but that proved to be quite challenging as there were 740 photos to sort through. Enjoy!



Since I love beer so much I've decided to start reviewing all of the wonderful craft beers we enjoy. This week I'm reviewing The Mens Room Red by Elysian Brewing Company.

Brewed for the Mens Room radio show on 99.9 KISW The Rock of Seattle, Mens Room Red is amber in color with a light hop aroma and toasty malty finish. This beer has a sweet caramel nutty start with subtle bitter hops. The hop flavor becomes more potent as the beer warms in temp. I would consider this beer to be a tri-season brew, crisp enough for spring and summer yet has enough bite for fall. Mens Room Red is great for the hop curious, those who are not yet ready to brave the bold hops of an India Pale Ale (IPA). The subtle hops linger after each sip leaving you longing for more. Cheers!



I love these hand painted leather jackets. Makes me think of Sons of Anarchy



Nic often sends me morning jams to listen to at work. I thought I might share this mornings Jam by Flight Facilities. Enjoy!



Today is a special day. My Brother Brandon would have been 33 today. We were 4 years apart, which I believe to be the perfect age gap for siblings. We never fought and I mean never. I looked up to him and he looked out for me. I don't know what it's like to be an only child, but I can't image my childhood without Brandon. I'm so thankful to have spent the first 22 years of my life in his company. Growing up Brandon always had his opinions about the guys I dated. They were never good enough. Thankfully Brandon got to know Nic before we married. He spoke highly of Nic and I could tell he finally felt that I had met my match. It means a lot to me that I had his approval of the man I will spend the rest of my life with. Not a day goes by that I don't think about Brandon and miss him, but I know he's somewhere watching over his family, including his two sons Clayton and Donovan. Brandon left behind his 1956 Ford F-100, which he had dreams of restoring. The truck now rests in our garage awaiting it's refound beauty. Today I celebrate the life of someone so very special to me. A Son, a Sibling, a Father and Friend. Happy Birthday Brandon!

A brothers love lasts a lifetime
- Stephanie Foster



The Leavenworth Drive happens every year. It is a celebratory drive for all European automobiles. All makes, models and years welcomed. The drive begins in Bellevue WA and ends in the beautiful Bavarian town of Leavenworth WA. We have wanted to go each year since we've been in the PNW but something always got in the way. This year we aren't letting anything stop us. We have already booked our condo and are counting the days. We have decided to go up the day before the drive with a smaller group of cars. This way we will beat the crowd and already be enjoying a beer in the sausage garden as folks roll in. Not to mention we will have prime parking for the cars. Each year our friends gear up the night before with a bbq and car wash. We were able to attend last years and capture some footage. Stand by for this years footage.



Mac and cheese is a staple in our house. When we are low on meal options it is usually our go to. The best thing about Mac and Cheese is that you can put just about anything in it and it will still be amazing. My favorite Mac and Cheese is Annie’s Organic Shells & White Cheddar. I went to make this dish one night and discovered we had no milk. How was I to make the cheese sauce with no milk? The answer turned out to be beer and believe it or not it’s all we use now. The below recipe can be modified in many ways. What goes into the Mac and Cheese I leave up to you and your creative mind. This weekend I wasn’t sure we had enough of anything to make a meal, which is why I pulled out the Annie’s. After rummaging through the pantry and fridge I threw together a pretty delicious Mac and Cheese (recipe below). 

What You Need:
  • (2) 6oz boxes of Annie’s Organic Shells & White CheddarWhat You Need:
  • (1) Can Amy’s Organic Chili with Vegetables
  • (1) Beer (lighter beers such as wheats, belgians and reds work best)
  • (1) Small zucchini
  • (1/2) Small sweat or yellow onion
  • (1) Tofurky Kilbasa Sausage
  • Sliced Cheddar Cheese (I prefer Sargento Ultra Thin Milk Cheddar)
  • ½ Tbsp butter
  • Cooking oil (I prefer Coconut)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 9x13 baking dish

To Make:
  • Heat oven to 350
  • Dice zucchini, onion and Kilbasa.
  • Cook pasta al dente.
  • Using a skillet heat up a small amount of oil, preferably coconut. Add the zucchini, onion and kilbasa. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook until onions are translucent. Add Chili and cook until heated throughout. Set aside.
  • Drain pasta and add to baking dish. Add ½ tbsp butter. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly.
  • Meanwhile add both Annie’s Cheese packets to ½ cup beer. Mix until blended. Be careful not to mix too vigorously as the beer is carbonated. Pour cheese over pasta and mix. 
  • Add Chili mixture to pasta and mix well.
  • Tear cheese slices and lay over pasta.
  • Cover dish with foil and cook for 1 hour.
  • Serve with Sriracha for an extra kick.



This Thankful Thursday post is a day late. Yesterday I was busy enjoying the company of friends. Ironically enough friends are what I was thankful for this past Thursday. Since Nic and I moved to the PNW we have met some wonderful people. Our house has become a place for friends to congregate, talk about life, enjoy a beer and depending on the night watch Essex or clips on YouTube. I like to surround myself with good people. I'd much rather have few friends than many acquaintance.

A friend to all is a friend to none



I am big on salmon caesars right now. One of the taphouses we frequest has an amazing salmon caesar. I have been craving this salad so much so that I decided to start making it at home. I added a few additional ingredients. It's all about the salmon and the caesar dressing, anything else is just an added bonus. Next time I will try a different caesar dressing. The Kraft left something to be desired. I have recently started cooking with coconut oil in place of butter and traditional cooking oils. Coconut oil is very different from most other cooking oils. It contains a unique composition of fatty acids. The fatty acids are about 90% saturated. This makes coconut oil highly resistant to oxidation at high heats. For this reason, it is the perfect oil for high-heat cooking methods like frying. The main fatty acid in coconut is an efficient killer of pathogens. The fatty acids can also increase energy expenditure, improve satiety and help you lose weight.

Salmon Filet
Caesar Dressing
Romain Lettuce
Purple Onion
Coconut Oil (used to sear the salmon)
Salt and Pepper (used to season the salmon)



I am thankful for my family. Without them I would not be the person I am today. So much of who we are is molded by our parents and I can't help but feel that mine did an amazing job. I was fortunate enough to have a big brother growing up. Though he is no longer with us he lives on in my heart. The very thought of him makes me smile. Families have their ups and downs, but they're always there for you no matter what. Take a moment to truly appreciate your family!



A friend recently took me thrifting and I scored this jacket. I have been back once since then and found nothing. Thrifting is hit or miss. It requires patience and a bit of strategy. Make sure you look at your thrift store options. If you thrift near upper class areas you are bound to find your thrift gem. Happy Thrifting!

Jacket- Thrifted (similar)
Sunglasses- Versace Mod. 4179



I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately. Most recently I watched "The Secret". It was a bit odd at first, but once you free your mind it's actually pretty eye opening and uplifting. What I took from this film is that we attract everything in our lives, good or bad. It's because of this realization that I am making a conscious effort to think, be and act more positive. It is important to constantly remind ourselves what we're thankful for, which is why I've decided to start "Thankful Thursday".

I am thankful for so much, but this Thursday I am especially thankful for my best friend, my confidant, my husband. Nic and I have been together for nearly 8 years. We recently celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. Growing up I wondered when I would meet my prince charming. After kissing my fair share of frogs I was beginning to wonder if price charming only existed in fairy tales, then I met Nic. We were next-door neighbors and I knew the instant we met that there was something special about him. I am thankful for the unconditional love he showers me with, the constant support and confidence he gives, the wisdom and passion he shares, his humor which keeps me smiling and most importantly the effortlessness to love. Some say relationships take work and for some they do. Thanks to Nic the only time I work is Monday thru Friday, 8-4 :)



Baseball tees are essential. They are perfect for transisioning from Fall to Spring. The half sleeve keeps you warm even when the brisk fall air is still nipping at your heels.

Jacket- Thrifted (similar)
Sunglasses- Versace Mod. 4179 Ray Ban Old (Similar)